Derek's Platform
We all know what is coming in 2024, and we have 3 supervisors, 3 school board members, and 3 statewide campaigns up for election in 2025. Campaigns start planning years in advance. We should have a robust and detailed plan already established to get us to election day 2024 AND 2025. Working backwards from election day we need to determine when activities need to be completed, how long they will take, and what other activities are dependant on them.
- Election Day
- Early Voting
- Campaign Events
- Door knocking
- Phone Banking
- Town Halls
- Fundraisers
- Signs and Swag
I am calling for full participation from every member in the committee. Everyone has something to offer, and committee meetings can’t be the only time members commit. I think we should consider participation part of the membership requirements; if we want to see the Committee improve, we all need to do our part.
- Campaign Events
- Door knocking
- Workshops
- Recruiting
- Meet and Greets
- Town Halls
- Newsletters
- Letters to Editor
Every member of the committee needs to be able to articulate why we support our future Presidential nominee based on their policies. Specifically, we each need to be able to defend our support for Donald Trump against the common criticisms of him.
I would like to see workshops or a newsletter with the common opposition viewpoints and some suggested counter arguments
- Issue Workshops
- Issues newsletter
- Statistics
- Facts
- The Human Impact
- Speak to the heart
Presence in the community should be in the forefront; we need to recruit more members, increase volunteers, and utilize more technology to organize, campaign, and expand visibility. We need tor recruit more young people, we need to do more fundraising, in a county that is 70% conservative, we should be the prominent organization.
There are so many opportunities to get out into the community
- Walking Mall events
- Politics and a Pint
- Apple Blossom
- Parade Float